DDD 2021: Imminent Dance over the weekend








DDD 2021: Imminent Dance over the weekend
© José Caldeira

Com os teatros fechados a partir das 13H00, a programação de fim-de-semana do DDD acontece exclusivamente online, para ser desfrutada EM CASA.

As theaters close from 1 pm, DDD's weekend programme happens exclusively online, to be seen AT HOME.

In addition to the Double Bill # 1 by Corpo + Cidade, the masterclass with Mathilde Monnier and the virtual Guided Tour to the exhibition Para uma Timeline a haver..., the programme of April 24-25 has four unavoidable moments: the cycle of online conversations Dança Iminente (Imminent Dance), which brings together several artists programmed this year, who will debate with several personalities four themes that, directly or indirectly, intersect with the performances of this edition.

Talk #1 Productivity & Procrastination: bodies in a state of siege

April 24 – 6pm

With: João Fiadeiro, Victor Hugo Pontes, Vânia Rodrigues

Moderated by Helena Teixeira da Silva 

Talk #2 Artificial & sensory intelligence: present attempts at futurology

April 24 – 9pm

With: Catarina Miranda, Jorge Jácome e Marco da Silva Ferreira, Luís Antunes

Moderated by Nayse Lopez

Talk #3: Hot bodies & clubbing: practices for a possible escape

April 25– 6pm
With: Jonas & Lander, Renan Martins, Lúcia Azevedo

Moderated by Isilda Sanches

Talk #4: Oracles & Transcendence: in search of the non-palpable

April 25– 9pm
With: Luísa Saraiva, Sara Anjo and Teresa Silva, Rita Diamond Casais

Moderated by Cláudia Galhós

The four talks are broadcast live on Facebook.  Later, they will be subtitled in English and made available on this site.

DDD 2021: Imminent Dance over the weekend
DDD 2021: Imminent Dance over the weekend
DDD 2021: Imminent Dance over the weekend
DDD 2021: Imminent Dance over the weekend