Where I come from, people use or used to use the word “sweeten” as a synonym for wash. “Have you sweetened up? Go sweeten up!” I think this beautiful comparison comes from the idea of removing salt and sweat from the body, making it sweet and using equally sweet water to do so. This piece is for practicing the exercise of pure observation. In this way, I create a dance focused solely on the body and its movement. Sweetening explores the idea of cleaning. Creating space that creates availability. Availability to observe a body. — Ana Isabel Castro
Artistic direction and performance
Ana Isabel Castro
Sound design
Mariana Leite Soares
Lighting design
Cárin Geada
Produced by
Executive production
Sara Marques
Graphic design
Paulo Mariz
Co-produced by
DDD – Festival Dias da Dança, Theatro Circo
Rui Fonseca