Bocarra means a very big and open mouth or maw. In Bocarra we depart from female singing repertoire from northern Portugal and Galicia about violence, feelings of bitterness and foreignness. Understanding many of these songs as traditions of non-conformity and as veiled and unresolved resistance against heteronormative roles, we work with movement that deals with the continuum between care and violence within physical closeness and the particular vocalic qualities of these musical forms. In collaboration with sound artists Inês Tartaruga Água and Francisco Antão we propose an understanding of musical objects/instruments as organic beings and extensions of the inner organs, the breath and the physical body. Together with performers Luisa Alfonso and Alexandre Achour we sing through and with bodies in space, beyond binary and exclusive categories of vocal registers and range. — Luísa Saraiva
Artistic direction and choreography
Luísa Saraiva
Created and performed by
Luisa Fernanda Alfonso, Alexandre Achour, Luísa Saraiva
Inês Tartaruga Água
Sound design
Francisco Antão
Cárin Geada
Isabelle Lange
Vocal training
Fabíola Fernandes
Self-defence training
Zeina Hanna, Manuel Peréz Bouza
Executive production
Apricot Productions, Mariana Costa
Produced by
Crybaby GbR, Associação Calote Esférica
Co-produced by
DDD – Festival Dias da Dança, La Manufacture CDCN Nouvelle Aquitaine and PACT Zollverein
Support Residencias
Paraiso, Colectivo RPM
With the financial support of the
Portuguese Republic – Culture / Directorate-General for the Arts and the North-Rhine/Westphalia’s Ministry of Culture and Science
Text in Portuguese and Spanish