In the piece HENDA I XALA, dance presents itself as a platform for primary expression, a common ground in the connection between Wura Moraes and her father, dancer and choreographer Mário Calixto (1960-1996). A search that furthers the access created by body and movement, and nurtured by the materials provided by the video, where past, present and future possibilities overlap.
Co-presentation with Teatro José Lúcio da Silva (Leiria)
Created and performed by
Wura Moraes
Dramaturgical support
Raquel Lima
Sound design
João Pedro Brandão
Carín Geada
Luís Porto
Mário Calisto
Produced by
Sara Marques | Agente A Norte
Voice support
Clélia Colonna
Movement support
Pak Ndjamena
Residency support
Kunstbetrieb Birach, Graner Creation Centre for Dance and Performing Arts (International Cross-Residency Program in Co-organization with the Ramon Llull Institute), CAMPUS Paulo Cunha e Silva, CRL - Central Elétrica, Teatro Universitário do Porto, Penedo da Saudade, balleteatro
Contains strobe / flashing lights