estreia nacional
A dance group, which is greater than the sum of its members, walks in a Brazil that is reborn from the ashes. We watch our several deaths and lives during a lifetime, like the snake leaving its dead skin behind, and we bring to the stage questions about the crossroads. How do the struggles within us take place between the forces that make us up? Would a nation be capable of choosing to head to destruction? We continue the group’s research—which we started in the previous performances, Suave and Cria—on the relation between Brazil’s urban and folk dances, on the one hand, and a contemporary staging, on the other hand, wondering which voices those dances articulate and what we can express through them. — Alice Ripoll
estreia nacional
Directed by
Alice Ripoll
Performed by
Gabriel Tiobil, GB Dançarino Brabo, Hiltinho Fantástico, Katiany Correia, Maylla Eassy, Petersonsidy, Romulo Galvão, Tamires Costa, Thamires Candida, VN Dançarino Brabo
Mey Barreto
Assistant directors
Alan Ferreira, Thais Peixoto
Rehearsal director and on-tour sound operator
Renato Linhares
Lighting design
Tomás Ribas, Diana Joels
Set and costumes design
Raphael Elias
Costumes assistant and sewer
Gah – Gabriel Alves
Alice Ripoll, Alan Ferreira, DJ Seduty
Soundtrack (editing)
DJ Seduty
Illustration and design
Caick Carvalho
Sound operator
Alan Ferreira
Lighting operator
Tainã Miranda
Renato Mangolin
Production assistants
Thais Peixoto, Isabela Peixoto
Production director
Natasha Corbelino, Corbelino Cultural
International sales
Co-produced by
DD – Festival Dias da Dança, Festival de Marseille, Festival d'Automne à Paris, Charleroi Danse, Romaeuropa, Tandem Tanzhaus, Julidans, Les Mécènes DanseAujourdhui