


A tribute to Ingmar Bergman.
Ingmar Bergman was born on July 14, 1918. Few directors were able to find depth inside the human being. His nightmares inspired many of his films, in which space and time fade away from reality. Bergman was mostly obsessed with the inability to communicate, religion and death. In the middle of the night, - a spectacle that proposes to approach the existentialist theme of the director and filmmaker Ingmar Bergman. It is also a play about the process of creation in an incessant search for oneself and others. Seven performers meet in order to share their research on the director's work; and either individually or collectively they create scenes that may take part of a future show. Around a table / island, they are close in their thoughts... and whispers, immerse in computers, books, videos. Everything is born from this “huis clos” of creation: the sound, the light, the images, actions and contradictions: dramas, nightmares and ghosts. The acting layers accumulate, creating a dramatic plot where the lie is mixed with the truth of the facts. In the middle of the night is a deep homage to Ingmar Bergman, to the actors in his films and to the performers of this Company.


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Director Olga Roriz • Performers André de Campos, Beatriz Dias, Bruno Alexandre, Bruno Alves, Catarina Câmara, Francisco Rolo, Rita Calçada Bastos • Playlist selection Olga Roriz, João Rapozo and performers • Scenography Ana Vaz • Costumes Olga Roriz • Lighting Cristina Piedade • Video Olga Roriz, João Rapozo • Sound Sérgio Milhano • Dramaturgical support Rita Calçada Bastos • Vocal support João Henriques • Translation and utterance in Swedish Birte Lundwall • Rehearsal assistance Ricardo Domingos • Scenography and costume assistance Rita Osório • Audio and video post-production João Rapozo • Light setting and technician João Chicó (Contrapeso) • Sound setting and technician Ponto Zurca • Co-produced by Companhia Olga Roriz, Teatro Nacional São João, Teatro Municipal de Bragança • Production support Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores, AGEOP, RTP2, TAP, Embaixada de Portugal em Estocolmo • Partnerships Leopardo Filmes, Duplacena, Escola de Medicina Tradicional Chinesa • Included in the celebration of Ingmar Bergman's 100th birthday, by the Ingmar Berman Foundation • Acknowledgment TNSJ • Approximate lenght 2H