Paralelo Warm Up
The project P.E.D.R.A. took place every week in 2018 involving a group of teenagers who were challenged to dive into Clara Andermatt’s body of work. This Paralelo Warm Up will address some of the premises of the choreographic exercise, as well as some of the common ground shared by the two choreographers.
Candidates open to everyone; no experience required
Please note it is advisable to wear practical clothes
Further information and applications
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Direção e texto
Paulo Mota
Dramaturgia e interpretação
André Pires e Paulo Mota
F. Ribeiro
André Pires
Desenho de luz
Cárin Geada
Figurinos e máscaras
Catarina Barros
Produção executiva
Bruno Moreira, Patrícia Gonçalves
Design gráfico
Paulo Mariz