“(...) no sooner looked but they loved; no
sooner loved but they sighed; no sooner
sighed but they asked one another the
reason; no sooner knew the reason but they
sought the remedy (...)”. Shakespeare
A wandering performance designed for public spaces that invites the audience to reflect upon love in contemporary society.
The focus of the narrative is a subcutaneous dive toward our primitive SELF. The project’s artistic language lies between dance and contemporary acrobatics. The piece carries primordial images—symbols that have stayed with us since our most remote existence and still inhabit our collective unconscious— into the dramatic gesture and the urban landscapes. The fact is he is not Romeo… and she is not Juliet either, but the performance puts forward the possibility of being in its way an unlikely dancing rewriting of Shakespeare!
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Direção e texto
Paulo Mota
Dramaturgia e interpretação
André Pires e Paulo Mota
F. Ribeiro
André Pires
Desenho de luz
Cárin Geada
Figurinos e máscaras
Catarina Barros
Produção executiva
Bruno Moreira, Patrícia Gonçalves
Design gráfico
Paulo Mariz