Chama a pélvis

Chama a pélvis

Chama a pélvis

Chama a pélvis [Calling the pelvis] is a practice of activation, liberation and awareness of the pelvic region, inviting the rest of the body to express itself from the connection with this primary driving force. This workshop will develop a work of strength, mobility, expansion and muscular release, illustrated by some anatomic notions iso that the participants can perceive themselves as bodies in the internal and external spaces. It is through contemporary dance that this practice is constructed and renewed. Therefore, movement will be explored based on continuous guided and floor improvisation for a greater appropriation of movement.

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Direção e texto

Paulo Mota

Dramaturgia e interpretação

André Pires e Paulo Mota


F. Ribeiro


André Pires

Desenho de luz

Cárin Geada

Figurinos e máscaras

Catarina Barros

Produção executiva

Bruno Moreira, Patrícia Gonçalves

Design gráfico

Paulo Mariz

