Com Uma Perna Às Costas (Workshop)
Com Uma Perna Às Costas (Workshop)

The workshop is designed to be a cumulative work arising from the participants’ unthinking and spontaneous gestores and actions. Chronologically, step-by-step we will follow the different stages of day-to-day life to be used as a score for a choreographic composition. An informal presentation will be staged at the end of the workshop.

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Direção e texto

Paulo Mota

Dramaturgia e interpretação

André Pires e Paulo Mota


F. Ribeiro


André Pires

Desenho de luz

Cárin Geada

Figurinos e máscaras

Catarina Barros

Produção executiva

Bruno Moreira, Patrícia Gonçalves

Design gráfico

Paulo Mariz

