Curtas de Dança competition is open to all artists and structures that perform dance in its short form, whether these are presented in a live or video format. “Um Pé na Constituição” presents us the work of a dancer, Cláudia Dias, whose battles are fought in the exercise of art, an area of freedom and protest. “Speeches” analyzes the candidates and their respective speeches by the time of 2016 Portuguese presidential elections. In “2 dedos de pesto” a pair of hands cook, but the food goes little by little, gaining life, in a game of survival and domination. “Bound” is a dance-theater solo that explores femininity, persona and restraint. “FRACASSE MELHOR” is to fail. Challenge yourself to fail. And in this case maybe not fail. Escape the context of failure and its definition. “Insólido” explores and seeks the illusion of a stone, a black mass in punctual movement.
Curtas de Dança is organised by Armazém 22 and DDD.
Projects were selected through Open Call.
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Um pé na Constituição
With Cláudia Dias • Production, Direction, post-production Marta Tavares • Music Nuno Oliveira • Mix and masterization Nuno Oliveira and Rui Carvalho • Acknowledgements Companhia de Dança de Almada, Manifesto em Defesa da Cultura, Jaime Neves, Karas, Sérgio Carvalho
Collaboration Mariana Amorim and Tom Holman-Sheard • Choreographer and performer Mariana Amorim • Sound effects, musical composition and video edition Tom Holman-Sheard • Dramaturgical advisement Silvia Pinto Coelho • Video recording Dinis Sottomayor • Photography Cassilda Rodrigues, Tom Holman-Sheard, José Caldeira
2 dedos de pesto
Concept Guilherme de Sousa & Pedro Azevedo • Perfomer Guilherme de Sousa • Artistic direction Pedro Azevedo • Filming and editing Rita Al Cunha
Concept and performance Daria Kaufman • Light Tasso Adamopoulos • Costumes Ana Baleia • Production Sezen Tonguz ⁄ Bazen Produção • Artistic residences Cultivamos Cultura, Polo Cultural Gaivotas, Atelier Real
Fracasse Melhor
Directed by Renan Martins de Oliveira • Performer Thamiris Carvalho • Photography Renan Martins de Oliveira
Concept and performance Sérgio Diogo Matias • Sound Sérgio Bernardo Gregório • Makeup Sérgio Diogo Matias • Acknowledgements Vânia Rovisco, Sara Zita Correia, Jorge Bragada • Production support Vaca Magra — Associação Cultural • Approximate lenght 1h
Curtas de Dança was conceived by Armazém 22 and DDD. The projects were selected through an Open Call.