Writing, describing and rewriting endless versions of each event.
“Documentário” [Documentary] is a choreographic piece for six performers around a chaotic score reflecting the tension between the need and the inability to understand present time. The world we think we know dissociates into new social configurations, into new strategies of political and economic domination. Pieces of the world make themselves visible in the uncontrollable traffic of images that haunt us even in your dreams. The seeming proximity that the access to new technologies and ways of interacting in the digital world suggests masks our inability to deal with the other, a fetish subject of constant fantasy and widespread fear. We swing back and forth between unfounded belief and distrust as a principle. The same images recur in various media with different protagonists in an ongoing fight for attention. One can see how the other
is rejected in the way collective imagery is standardised and colonised, and in the way misunderstanding, deception and prejudice spread. Writing thus becomes combat, an inconvenience and an exercise of power. — Joclécio Azevedo
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Artistic direction and choreography Joclécio Azevedo • Collaborator/scenography Paulo Mendes • Collaborator/music Pedro Tudela • Performers Ana Moreira, Dori Nigro, Joclécio Azevedo, Pedro Prazeres, Anda Isabel Castro, Rocio Dominguez • Photography Susana Neves • Recording and video editing Sofia Arriscado • Costumes Jordann Santos • Light designer and technician Miguel Carneiro • Workshop guests Daniel Ribas, Melissa Rodrigues, Olívia da Silva and Rita Castro Neves • Executive production Sofia Reis • Financial management Fadas e Elfos Associação Cultural • Partnerships Fórum Dança, Circular Associação Cultural, Centro de Criação do Candoso/Centro Cultural Vila Flor, Centro de Creación del cuerpo y el movimento El Graner and Festival DDD – Dias da Dança • Co-produced by Teatro Municipal do Porto Rivoli – Campo Alegre • Financed by República Portuguesa – Cultura, DGArtes – Direcção-Geral das artes • With the support of Companhia Instável • Approximate lenght 1h