It restarts from almost nothing, from an urgency and necessity that everything is transformed, re-entering in the cycle of an eternal return.
Feux d'artifice arises from the crossings, constructions and connections of various choreographic materials, new and pre-existent, in a choreographic web that derives in a new identity body.
The relations of power and their borders are portrayed. The contrasts between excess and bankruptcy, prosperity and social crisis are depicted, exposing the frivolity and the superficiality that leads to a constant and intense questioning of the individual on sovereignties and its limits.
The aura and its loss are explored, as well as resistance, persistence, struggle, obstinacy and fragility, bankruptcy, ruin, failure, exclusion, fall, violence, delirium, end and resumption. It restarts from almost nothing, from an urgency and necessity that everything is reconstructed - the eternal return.
It celebrates from wreckage. — António Lago & Susana Chiocca
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Artistic direction and staging António Lago & Susana Chiocca • Production Mauro Rodrigues • Video Maria João Silva • Costumes Inês Mariana Moitas • Sound Miguel Ângelo Silva • Light Nuno Meira • Scene recording Diogo Castro • Cast António Lago, Susana Chiocca • Collaborators Ginasiano (under the direction of Elisabeth Lambeck), Grupo de Cantares Mulheres do Minho • Approximate lenght 1h