Hell are always others: dramaturgy and artistic practice

Hell are always others: dramaturgy and artistic practice

Hell are always others: dramaturgy and artistic practice

This workshop aims to address topics of dramaturgy in dance and to reflect on the artistic practice, investigating current or past problems encountered in pieces and offering different tools to address them. There is also the intention of addressing the topic of promotion and communication: how to talk about one´s own work to others, to its promoters, to audiences, to juries? Which tools are needed? Are artists for sale or can a good pitching open a dialogue between artists and the others?

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Direção e texto

Paulo Mota

Dramaturgia e interpretação

André Pires e Paulo Mota


F. Ribeiro


André Pires

Desenho de luz

Cárin Geada

Figurinos e máscaras

Catarina Barros

Produção executiva

Bruno Moreira, Patrícia Gonçalves

Design gráfico

Paulo Mariz

