Jungle Red


Jungle Red


It is truly about Paradise nostalgia.

It is a fiction, a flock of birds looking for Simurgh, the king of birds — a hybrid creature, a phoenix, male, female and something else. In the words of Jorge Luis Borges, “a being made up of other beings, a bird made up of birds”. It is about wishing the world to be whole. It is an idyllic jungle, an ultimate garden where everything coexists in harmony. In Sanskrit, the word paradesha/paradise means ultimate country. This project explores different aspects of utopia, paradigms of heavenly places or states, and sees Paradise as a metaphor for the desire for common welfare among and between humans, animals and nature. It insists on the idea that while searching for that heavenly state there is the chance of understanding all the malfunctioning in the world. The dramaturgy of the play is based on a virtual journey starting from Northern Portugal, and crossing Northern Africa, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, and Iran. In this journey to the beginning of everything, one assembles ethnographies of imagery from the past — personal, historic and fictional —, and tears down and builds visions for our future paradises.— Carlota Lagido


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Concept and artistic direction Carlota Lagido • Artistic direction assistant Pietro
• Artistic consulting José Capela • Feminist and islamic studies consulting Shahd Wadi • Soundtrack and composition Pedro Melo Alves • Costumes,
set design and video Carlota Lagido • Light design Nuno Patinho • Graphic design Carlos Guerreiro • Performers Bruno Senune, Guilherme Pompeu, Joana
Castro, Mariana Amorim, Pedro Melo Alves
• Documentary, recording and teaser
Francisca Manuel • ProductionPI-Produções Independentes, O Lugar do Meio/Carlota
• Co-produced by Festival DDD - Dias da Dança • With the support of Câmara Municipal de Lisboa/Polo Cultural das Gaivotas/Boavista, TEMPS D'IMAGES Lisboa, Festival
Bons Sons/Materiais Diversos, ARTETOTAL/gnration, JACC/Salão Brasil, Vaca
Magra, OPART/Companhia Nacional de Bailado/Estúdios Victor Cordon and Teatro de

Financial support by Fundação GDA e pela República Portuguesa – Cultura / Direção-Geral das Artes Acknowledgements Ana Rocha, Gaby Barros, David Ramalho, Nuno Labau, Sérgio Diogo Matias, Ana Pontes, Gonçalo Cabral, Ana Costa, Carolina Silva, Susana Pereira.