


The scream is what the body experiments where emotion becomes an object of consumption.

Unrest is widespread. Tension is tangible. Words are left unsaid. Confined in a dying body. Reason is no more. Nothing is under control anymore. Mouths gaping and mute, no sound comes out. Emotion is too strong. Too violent. Bodies do the talking. Instinctively. Carnally. They scream. They cry. They hesitate. They laugh. Revolt
is personified. It becomes an attractive force. Gestures intensify. The struggle grows. Materializes. Becomes intellectual. Bodies find a meaning. The movement, getting stronger, find a rhythm. Until the ultimate clash, the letting go. The words are written in chalk. They trace a shared destiny. They free bodies in one final breath. The scream reaches us. Audible.


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Artistic direction Souhail Marchiche & Mehdi Meghari • Choreography Souhail Marchiche • Performers Lucia Afonso, Valentina Corosu, Toufik Maadi • Light Richard Gratas • Sound Patrick De Oliveira • Scenography Thomas Collet • Costumes Juliette Rocher • Production Compagnie Dyptik • Approximate lenght 50 mins