estreia nacional

miramar - 5
miramar - 4
miramar - 3
miramar - 2
miramar - 1

estreia nacional

miramar is like the name of a promise, one that you can sense from the window of a quaintly dilapidated hotel. It’s a promise that haunts Caspar David Friedrich’s The Monk by the Sea and is rooted in saudade songs. As light arcs and reflects about the stage in a machine-like ballet, a first dancer emerges to inscribe the space, his body held fast to a vantage point. Ten dancers, characters in search of new horizons, join him. Drawn to his gaze, they form the flow that connects and separates him from the power beyond our sight. Yet, between the dancer’s watchful eye from his fixed vantage point and the endless line of the horizon, what can we see? Longing, emptiness or hope from afar, from “over there” or “elsewhere”? It resembles a series of calls from a movement driven by the bond of fiction and abstraction. Following on from Une Maison and En son lieu, the choreography combines the invisible with physical shapes and forms. The figures are halfway between the past and the future, each with separate perspectives shifting, perhaps, to a common yearning.

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Choreography, stage design, costume design

Christian Rizzo


Youness Aboulakoul, Nefeli Asteriou, Lauren Bolze, Lee Davern, Fanny Didelot, Nathan Freyermuth, Pep Guarrigues, Harris Gkekas, Raoul Riva, Vania Vaneau, Anna Vanneau

Lighting design

Caty Olive

Música original

Gérome Nox 

Artistic assistant

Sophie Laly

Technical direction

Thierry Cabrera

Production and touring

Anne Fontanesi, Anne Bautz

Produced by

ICI — centre chorégraphique national Montpellier - Occitanie / Christian Rizzo

With the support of

Dance Reflections - Van Cleef & Arpels

Coproduced by

Bonlieu Scène nationale Annecy, Opéra de Lille, CENTQUATRE-PARIS, La Place de la Danse - CDCN Toulouse/ Occitanie, Théâtre de Nîmes, Teatro Municipal do Porto / DDD – Festival Dias da Dança, Le Parvis, scène nationale Tarbes Pyrénées / GIE FONDOC, Charleroi danse centre chorégraphique Wallonie Bruxelles, Le Bateau Feu Scène Nationale Dunkerque


Ménagerie de Verre – Paris