


Reality is different for each and every one of us.

There are as many realities as there are experiences of it. A play is an endless number of different plays, as many as the experiences there are of it. Each spectator lives the play in a different way. Each performer in another different way. Does the play exist in itself? Or is it just a different object to all of us?

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Coreography Tânia Carvalho • Light design Anatol Waschke • Original music XNX • Costumes Aleksandar Protic • Performers Amélia Bentes, Carla Ribeiro, Paula Moreno • Executive production Elisa Santos, Rita Osório • Artistic residencie support Ginasiano, Teatro Universitário do Porto and Atlético Clube de Moscavide • Coproduction Turbina, Teatro Municipal do Porto – Rivoli . Campo Alegre, CAE Sever do Vouga, 23 Milhas and Centro de Arte de Ovar • Special thanks Graça Passos, Júlio Eme • Approx. duration 45min