From 6pm to 8pm
A.D. / ARQUIVO DANÇANTE (D.A. / DANCE ARCHIVE #1) is a project coordinated by Cristiana Rocha that constitutes a digital performing arts archive based on the documentary collection of Núcleo de Experimentação Coreográfica - NEC (Choreographic Experimentation Centre). Representative of choreographic creativity in Portugal from 1993 to date, it has been developed over the years in partnership with artists and the partner production structures that represent them. This project shares a contemporary focus on the problematic of the archive and its relationship with performance, while seeking also to establish itself as a facilitating space for crossover between academic and artistic research.
Cristiana Rocha (1974) is founder and board member of Núcleo de Experimentação Coreográfica (NEC) (Choreographic Experimentation Centre), a collective of artists and researchers with whom she has developed creative, training and programming offerings in various contexts since 1993. She is trained in dance and psychology and works in the crossover between performance and choreographic practice and other areas, in artistic, pedagogical and therapeutic contexts.
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Direção e texto
Paulo Mota
Dramaturgia e interpretação
André Pires e Paulo Mota
F. Ribeiro
André Pires
Desenho de luz
Cárin Geada
Figurinos e máscaras
Catarina Barros
Produção executiva
Bruno Moreira, Patrícia Gonçalves
Design gráfico
Paulo Mariz