estreia nacional
estreia nacional
What traces do our loves leave in our bodies?
“Love for the horizon, committed love, voracious love, elastic love, clumsy love, love for lost time, love for the invisible... our loves are inscribed somewhere inside us.” “Nos amours” [Our loves] explores a series of sensory memories of various loves that followed Julie Nioche, crossed her life and left several traces, which are shared in an intimate solo dance she performs herself. The choreography comprises generous, non-directive variations. It is underpinned by somatic practices that have always fascinated her, and that allow one to watch her bodily, psychic and emotional traces, and to render hidden and unexpected memories accessible. “Nos amours” offers it all. It is an impressive light choreography, with an a cappella choir as sound track, composed by Alexandre Meyer and based on “The Goldberg Variations” by J. S. Bach performed by Glenn Gould.
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Conception, choreography, set Julie Nioche • Performers Julie Nioche • Creation of body design Laurent Cèbe • Body design and set management Lisa Miramond • Musical creation Alexandre Meyer (after Goldberg Variations by J.S. Bach interpreted by Glenn Gould – 1981) • Approximate lenght 1h