At the age of 36, Paulo Cunha e Silva's book "O lugar do Corpo
- Elementos para uma cartografia fractal" ("The Body's Place - Elements for a Fractal Cartography) was published by Instituto Piaget (1999); it was based on the dissertation for his doctorate in sports science, which he defended at Porto University in 1996. In this book the author takes us on a journey through a spiral of knowledge capable of providing what the body cries out for: a corpology. According to the author, the body demands a logos that grasps it it in the complexity of its manifestations, capable of side-stepping the obsession with classification, the anguish of taxonomy; a knowledge that grasps it in the sometimes contradictory multiplicity of its paths. "But how to conceive of a corpology if the body has ceased to have a logos, to have a locus, and become ubiquitous, uncertain, transforming?"- Né Barros
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Organization and e Moderation Né Barros • Guests Álvaro Domingues, Teresa Oliveira Lacerda, Tiago Bartolomeu Costa e Eduardo Paz Barroso
Inserted in the conference exhibition “P. - Uma homenagem a Paulo Cunha e Silva, por extenso”, organizada pela Câmara do Porto e com curadoria de Miguel von Hafe Peréz