Op.20, Acto I



On stage, a holographic lake and smoke. In the distance, sounds of uprising and, with them, a strange figure in silhouette. Gradually, we make out a faun who inhabits this still confused space and explains to us how the story begins. Someone in the audience asks for Odette, the principal ballerina. The piece falls apart. The performer no longer knows where he is, what he is standing on, what he is doing, what he is saying. These descriptive phrases are still the prologue. The ghost of Odette comes onto the stage and the piece begins.

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Script, costumes, set and light design: Gonçalo C. Ferreira
Performers: Gonçalo C. Ferreira, Bruno Cadinha
Choreographic support: Bruno Cadinha
Costumes/setting of the ball: Luís Lazaro Matos
Visual support: Alice dos Reis
Music by: Bleidwwn and Tchaikovksy
Approximate duration: 40 mins