2021. With the world collectively falling ill and relations being
disintegrated, oblivion is more solid than ever. Four women form Northeast
Brazil express and celebrate the coming together of their memories, intimate
landscapes and desires. Having survived a pandemic, switching over between
times, shared realities, desires and places, they dance as if there’s a
tomorrow. The film fictionalises the fabled everyday life of Lara Luz, Vera Lu,
Tetê Souza and Raimunda Flor do Campo in other versions of themselves.
Panorama RAFT
In this year in which we resume the focus on Brazilian creation, we deepen synergies of thought and ways of doing from the partnership with the Panorama RAFT Festival in Rio de Janeiro.
In 2021, the Panorama Festival repositioned itself in light of the pandemic and economic crisis. It proposed a new format of funding, building a raft of resources with the aim of financing the creation of unreleased works by artists from Brazil, to which several renowned institutions and festivals, including DDD, contributed. The resources raised by the partnership, through an Open Call, were channelled into ten projects for the creation of unreleased online works and five projects for research and development.
In this DDD, we selected three of these online works: Serenatas Dançadas, by Soraya Portela; Vapor, by Original Bomber Crew; and E MAR ANHA DO, by the Coletive Danças em Transições.
RAFT is an initiative of Panorama Festival with Teatro Municipal do Porto, Bates Dance Festival, CAC Contemporary Arts Center, Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie, Charleroi Danse, Dansehallerne, FTA – Festival Transameriques, Gessnerallee, Hau Hebbel Am Ufer, Hyperjetlag Arts in between Time, Pact Zollverein, Points Communs, Nouvelle Scene Nationale Cergy-Pontoise/Val d’Oise, Sesc São Paulo, Trajal Harrell, Tickle The Sleeping Giant Inc, Vooruit, Walker Art Center.
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Creation and Artistic
Soraya Portela
Carolina Mendonça
Direction Assistance
Anita Gallardo
DoP and editing
Tássia Araújo
Production and digital narratives
Layane Holanda
Co-created and performed by
Lara Luz, Tetê Souza, Vera Lu & Raimunda Flor do Campo
Photography assistance
Karystom Soares
Sound Design
Patota & suingue de umbigada
Danton Brando