The paradox of the world in which we live, between assuming a tough reality and idealising a better world.

A variety show or a musical are examples of artistic formats of great impact on Western culture’s imaginary, usually falling under the category of entertainment, which is the result of a given cultural, if not political, heritage. They are the reflection of and ideological structuring of the usage and partition of time: entertainment time vs. work time; leisure time vs. obligation time. The commercial exploitation of a performance also seemed to me a good starting point to question the other side of the illusion machine. This project was born roughly four years ago when I received an invitation to do a piece in England. At the time we were in the midst of the financial crisis, before Brexit. My initial research led me to find the 1929 song “Happy Days Are Here Again”, which Milton Ager and Jack Yellen came up with in the context of the Great Depression in the USA, and which is a symbol of hope. It became a kind of background for our work.


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Conception, direction Miguel Pereira • Performers Sofie Burgoyne, António Onio • Participation, extras Ana Esteves Brandão, Bárbara M. Santos, Catarina Marcos, Catarina Saraiva, Diogo Cadete, Filipa Raquel, Gabriela Marcos Souza, Inês Maria Garrido, Inês Marques, Liliana Costa, Luís Duarte Moreira, Luís Silva Barreto, Pedro Couto, Soraia Gurgo • Assistance Pietro Romani • Music Milton Ager, Leonard Bernstein, Ígor Stravinski, Tchaikovsky • Sound editing and arrangements Miguel Feraso Cabral • Light desing Eduardo Abdala • Collaborator (Scenic space, costumes) André Guedes • Production O Rumo do Fumo • Co-production Maria Matos Teatro Municipal within the scope of Create to Connect supported by Programa Cultura da União Europeia, Teatro Municipal do Porto / Festival DDD – Dias da Dança • Artistic Residence Teatro Maria Matos – Estúdio Tobis • With the support of Dance 4 (Nottingham), National Lottery / Arts Council England (1a fase do projeto), EGEAC, Companhia Nacional de Bailado and Teatro Nacional D.Maria II • Acknowledgments Nuno Lucas e António Júlio • Rumo do Fumo is a structure financed by República Portuguesa – Cultura, DGArtes - Direção Geral das Artes • Approximate lenght 1h15