estreia nacional
estreia nacional
"Petites formes dansées" (Small Danced Forms) is a quartet on the theme of meeting. Gilles Verièpe takes his inspiration from our everyday lives: how do we meet? Whom do we meet? Where do we meet? How long do we meet for? Why do we meet? What are the intentions that underlie our meeting? The choreographer approaches the theme in its multiple forms, drawing inspiration from situations, concrete or abstract, realistic or absurd, but familiar to us all from our daily lives.
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Choreography Gilles Verièpe• Performers Joanna Beulin, Gilles Verièpe, Bi Jia Yang, Yulia Zhabina • Music Olivier Martin,Claire Thiébault e George Fredrich Haendel• Coproduction Centre Culturel d’Agglomération Balavoine à Arques / Palaisdu Littoral de Grande Synthe / Compagnie Gilles Verièpe. • With the support of the Conselho Regional do Nord Pas-de-Calais, doMinistério da Cultura e da Comunicação / DRAC Nord Pas-de-Calais e da cidade de Dunkerque. • Thanks to CCNRoubaix - Carolyn Carlson-estrutura de acolhimento • Approximate duration 30 mins • Age Suitability 12yrs+