estreia nacional
estreia nacional
Three stories where the issue of territorial limits arises in all its power.
Amala Dianor takes us through the endless territories of the human being. The performance brings together on stage three individuals whose stories originate
in Burkina Faso, Algeria and Senegal. In those countries people keep looking for
a better life, and they’re pushed to act, to move, to fight... to make choices. The choreographer uses dance to address the issues of border and freedom, while looking at the human frenzy of wanting ever more. The audience are invited to enter this ‘nowhere’ in order to come closer, stop and have a taste of the dialogue, mutual assistance and listening that goes on between those three men, together ‘somewhere in the middle of infinity’. Such is the poetics that the choreographer came up with to question his own freedom and his boundaries, in the place where African dancing, hip-hop and contemporary dance clash, blend and also lose their place.
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Choreographer Amala Dianor • Choreographic assistance Rindra Rasoaveloson • Performers Amala Dianor, Souleymane Ladji Kone, Saïdo Lehlouh
• Sound Awir Leon • Light Fabien Lamri • Viideo Olivier Gilquin e Constance Joliff • Costumes Julie Couturier • Production Compagnie Amala Dianor⁄Kaplan • Co-produced by Théâtre Louis Aragon, Scène conventionnée danse de Tremblay-en-France; CNDC Angers, PÔLE-SUD, CDCN Strasbourg, Ballet National de Marseille – CCN, Le Cargo, Ville d’Angers • Apoios Groupe Caisse des dépôts, Région des Pays de la Loire, ADAMI, SPEDIDAM • Difusion CENTQUATRE – Paris • Approximate lenght 45min