Sad Sam Matthäus

estreia nacional

Sad Sam Matthaus
Sad Sam Matthaus
Sad Sam Matthaus 2
Sad Sam Matthaus 1

estreia nacional

In this solo, Matija Ferlin embraces the spirit of Johann Sebastian Bach’s St Matthew Passion. The title, translated from Croatian, means “Now I am Matthew”. In a collaboration with dramaturge Goran Ferčec, the piece expands on the theme of death, suffering, temptation, carnality, the relationship between the individual and society, betrayal and forgiveness, using personal narratives and a metaphysical exploration of the complicated and harrowing deaths in Ferlin’s family.    

The challenging dialogue that unfolds is one of simple beauty: between a person of the 21st century and a highlight of Protestant sacred music; between a straining body and a canonical funeral ritual; and between the individual and civilisation. Ferlin’s precise vocabulary of movement pushes the double meaning of the word ‘passion’ to its limits. Caught between pain and passion, he exposes the audience and himself to the supremacy of the music.   

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


Direction, choreography, costume, performance 

Matija Ferlin


Goran Ferčec

Text by

Goran Ferčec, Matija Ferlin

Music by

Johann Sebastian Bach, Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244 in a recording performed by Philippe Herreweghe / Collegium Vocale Gent, Harmonia Mundi / [ PIAS]

Stage design

Mauricio Ferlin

Sound design

Luka Prinčič

Light design, technical direction 

Saša Fistrić

Direction assistance

Rajna Racz

Production management

Maja Delak

Production assistance

Sabrina Železnik
Executive production

Silvija Stipanov

Visual materials

Tina Ivezić, Christophe Chemin, Ana Buljan


Danijela Bilić Rojnić, Ana Uglešić, Katja Kosi, Maša Dabić

Produced by

Emanat, Matija Ferlin


Mediteranski plesni centar Svetvinčenat, Bunker / Stara mestna Elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana

With support of

Zagrebačko kazalište mladih
Financial support

Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Mestna občina Ljubljana, Grad Pula, Grad Zagreb
Co-produced by

Wiener Festwochen, CND - Centre national de la danse (Pantin), Istarsko narodno kazalište – Gradsko kazalište Pula