
"Initially a solo, Self soon became a duet, for having at its base concepts such as reflexivity and duality. Starting from the sociological concept of 'self', I proposed to think what questions we ask ourselves and what questions we ask others; what dependency relations we have from a social point of view; what spaces and contexts we inhabit. The reflexive analysis of the self implies the other and vice versa.  The body-contour that you will encounter in this work appears, to me, as a body empty of meaning, ready to receive internal and external stimuli, which will be constantly analysed and experienced by the performers, in a journey of duality and dualism." 

Beatriz Valentim

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


Idea and concept 

Beatriz Valentim 

Performance and musical selection 

Beatriz Valentim, Mercedes Quijada 

Music editing 

Pedro Souza 


Andy James, Beatriz Valentim 


Centre National de la Danse, Dimitri Chamblas, Francisco Camacho, Real Pelágio / Teatro da Voz 

Co-produced by

Festival Interferências / Companhia Olga Roriz, Corpo + Cidade / DDD - Festival Dias da Dança