estreia nacional
estreia nacional
In this piece I continue my collaboration with the Japanese dancer Takashi Ueno, who has become one of the most important dancers of recent years. His power on stage and the poetry of his movements can be admired in my pieces "Si je meurs laissez le balcon ouvert" ("If I die leave the balcony open"), "Pas de Deux", "Cantatas" and most recently as a guest on "An Evening with Judy". In this new show "Songs For Takashi", I wanted to put him in contact with the music of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The music of this period, which comes from Spain, will be sung by Victoria de los Angeles (on a recording). The idea for this unusual combination emerged during rehearsals for my last piece, "Quartet". - Raimund Hoghe
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Concept, choreography and set design: Raimund Hoghe
Performers: Takashi Ueno, Raimund Hoghe
Collaboration: Luca Giacomo Schulte
Lightning: Raimund Hoghe, Amaury Seval
Production: Mathieu Hillereau
Co-production: CCNR - Centre Chorégraphique National de Rillieux la Pape dans le cadre de l'accueil studio, Theater im Puppenhaus Münster
Funded by Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und Sport des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Kunststiftung NRW, Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf
With the support of: ménagerie de verre (Paris) dans le cadre de Studiolab, Montpellier Danse / Résidence à l'Agora, Cite Internationale de la Danse (Montpellier)
Special thanks: agnès b. Paris
Approximate duration: 1h20