Dialogue is a written or spoken conversational exchange between two or more people. Intercultural dialogues from a personal perspective in today's cultural world, understanding how to recognize the memories in the movement and relate to them using different ways of physical/verbal dialog tasks. How much do different backgrounds and traditions influence how we move (as we wish to come together under one place for a short time)? How much are we aware of the movement behavior? Without denying the downsides as well. In a dialogue I wish to maintain the unity of the two cognitive aspects, intentional and general mood (mind and heart, reason and intuition), not only on rational, but also on spontaneous communications. These are related to the body language, to its senses, emotions, feelings, imagination, intuition, etc. - Eldad Ben-Sasson
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Production: Kale Companhia de Dança
Choreography: Eldad Ben Sasson
Music: Paulo Mesquita
Lighting: J. Madail
Performers: Angèl Mélian, Dinis Santos, Thamiris Carvalho, Catarina Godinho, Katarina Cvorovic and Bruno Morais
Approximate duration: 45mins