We said that after the pandemic
nothing could stay the same, except
that... perhaps a lot of it got worse! It
is certain that after these two years
we have questioned the place and the
volume of work in our lives, and we also
know that we need more connection,
but... how do we change? And how to
promote change so that transformation
takes place without turning ourselves
into an island? We live in a market of
premieres and an incessant cycle of
hyperproductivity. Arts capitalism
claims new plays, artists need money
and consequently create more. That
is the reality. So how to solve reality?
How to produce less? How to generate
an ecology of the artistic speech as
well? And speaking of ecology, to
what extent does ecology promote
exclusion? Is it more ecological if we all
travel by train to a festival or the festival
promotes only vegan meals? And in
what way will travelling by train make
it impossible for artists from South
America or Asia?
These talks bring communities, artists,
programmers and scientists together
to collectively think about what we want
to do with this that we call festivals.
Two online talks will warm up a live
encounter which will happen during the
festival. Free access. Samuel Silva will
follow-up the talk and report them in the
DDD blog.
With the participation of Carla Nobre Sousa
& David Cabecinha / Alkantara, Dori Nigro,
Kitty Furtado, Marta Cortegano, Oswaldo Marchionda, Quito Tembé
With artistic provocations by Clara Andermatt, Diana Niepce, Djam Neguin, Gaya de Medeiros, Gustavo Ciríaco, Iara Izidoro, Né Barros, Tieta Macau
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Co-curated by
DDD – Festival Dias da Dança & Festival Panorama