welcome you to The Deities Ball.
we celebrate cultures, gods and goddesses, heaven and earth, as a single power
of life. It is also a hymn to nature, being mother and father, to whom humans
ask for wisdom and help, so that one can flow in this and other lives. The
divine in all its forms connects us all as ONE. Through time and different
civilisations, we absorb life in different ways, we celebrate magic and all
that we cannot yet understand.
Today, we celebrate the deities and ourselves, through
the divine that inhabits us, finding inspiration, power, love, beauty and
celebration of bodies and imagination in this celebration that is also a
Don’t be fooled! This is not a
performance, but it’s definitely
The DDD hosts The Deities
Ball, which reinforces Porto’s
presence in the international
itinerary of the thriving culture
of voguing. In this Ball, which
unfolds between 5PM and
11PM, you can either compete
in one of the categories or
simply watch it! After the
trophies, the party continues all
night long at Café Rivoli.
MF Body: Prometheus, ancient Greek titan, known for defying the gods by stealing fire from them and giving the gift of fire to human beings. Bring an outfit with printed flames to show your features.
FF Body: Pandora was the first mortal woman in Greek mythology, she received gifts by all the other Olympian gods. One of the divine gifts was all the fine crafts by Athena that dressed her in silvery robes and she was crowned with a golden headband by Hephaistos. Bring it in a silver outfit with a golden headband and show the goddess you are.
FF Sex Siren: Aphrodite was an ancient Greek goddess of sexual love and beauty.The seashell is one of her symbols and pearls were therefore her stones. Bring shells and pearls in a seductive outfit and seduce us like aphrodite to get your 10´s.
MF Sex Siren: Eros, known as a cupid to the Romans, was the greek god of sexual attraction, most commonly represented with an unlimited number of arrows which he uses to incite erotic feelings in any mortal or god. Bring a red outfit, the color of cupid and your mandatory arrow for your 10´s and take our hearts with your seduction.
FF Face: Oshun is an important river deity among the Yoruba people.The african goddess of beauty, love, prosperity and fertility.Come in a yellow and gold outfit together with the mirror she always had in her hands to admire her beauty and sell your facial features to the judges like Oshun.
MF Face: Logun Ede is the orisha of wealth, son of Oshun and Oshosi, considered the prince of the orishas. He is one of the most beautiful orishas, as beauty is one of the main characteristics of his parents. Bring a headpiece in light blue and yellow as he is represented often. These are also his colors, so don’t forget your outfit needs to be in harmony with the headpiece.
NB Face: Osumare, the rainbow orisha that controls movement, change and mobility, rules transformation and anything that goes in cycles, balances male and female energies. Since is a personification of the rainbow, bring a colorful outfit with the colors of the rainbow represented for your 10’s.
European Runway: Egyptian gods were often depicted in therianthropic – part human, part animal form, to depict the personality of that particular god/ess in a symbolic way. Bring an outfit where we can see your half human and half animal. Be creative and carry with your walk on the Runway.
American OTA: Egyptian gods were often depicted in therianthropic – part human, part animal form, to depict the personality of that particular god/ess in a symbolic way. Bring an outfit where we can see your half human and half animal. Be creative and carry with your walk on the Runway.
Best Dressed Spectator: The best spectator´s outfit will take the grand prize. Remember, this is ballroom, so you need to make it fashion and memorable!
Designer´s Delight: Linen is one of the oldest fabrics in history, it was popular in ancient Egypt, worn as clothing and also as a burial cloth in which mummies were wrapped. This fabric has been used as an offering since the ancient state. Create an outfit with a fully linen fabric and show us the mood board of your creation.
FF Realness | MF Realness: Obatala, an universally known yoruba deity, one of the deities sent by Olodumare to create the world, does not have a permanent gender. Obatala could be male, female. This makes Obatala the god of all human beings. White is the favourite color of this deity, so, bring a fully white outfit and show us how real you are.
OTA Baby Vogue: In many of the world’s religions, angels are intermediaries between God and humans. These are often portrayed with wings. Bring it in a cunty outfit with mandatory wings for your 10’s and show us your 5 elements.
BQ Vogue Fem: Medusa is often portraited as a vilan, but she was a victim of patriarchy, abused by poseidon and punished by Athena. She was represented by snakes in place of her hair and was a fierce creature who would transform men in stone. Bring an outfit inspired in a snake and your own version of medusa.
FF Performance: Isis is one of the most important divinities in Egyptian mythology who was mother of all gods. Known to be the goddess of life and magic. Bring an outfit inspired by her but you need to have a white dress and multicolored wings present in your outfit like Isis.
Twister: Esu in the yoruba culture is the Messenger of oracles, between gods and people. In Brazil he is portrayed most of the time with the colors of black and red. Bring an outfit with the mentioned colors, make it cunt.
Hands Performance vs Arms Control with a prop: In Hinduism, deities are often depicted with multiple arms and often in each hand holds an object that symbolizes the qualities of that specific deity. Bring an object that represents your personality and tell a story for your 10’s, be creative.
Old way: A style that was inspired in the Egyptian poses.Come in a golden outfit ,the color that was always present in the gods and goddesses of Egypt. However, for your 10’s, we want to see several Egyptian poses on your performance in order for you to get your 10’s.
New way: In hinduism, within each human being inhabiting the Earth, the Spirit of sacred lotus is considered one of the most sacred plants in the world.The most known is the pink lotus, with a close bud that represents passing through the spiritual path, while a fully-bloomed one means enlightenment. Bring a fully pink outfit for your performance.
Team Performance: 4 elements (air/fire/water/earth) each team needs to choose one of these elements and we need to see them on your outfit. Each team needs to have at least 1 baby vogue,1 FF and 1 BQ vogue fem.
Bizarre: Make your own god/goddess, be creative.
Lip Sync:
Tina Turner – Proud Mary
Doja Cat – Woman
Beyonce – Spirit
Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey – When You Believe
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Nala Revlon, Piny 007
Seven Garçon
Father Typhon Prodigy
Legendary Vinii Revlon
Mother Ambrosia Gorgeous Gucci
Maji Miyake Mugler
European Prince Yanou Ninja
Christopher Saint Laurent