The performance VAGA 2 (WAVE 2) was conceived for places people pass through; in particular, underground stations. Individuals, set apart from each other, keeping their distance, as if faceless, follow shared routes as their personal routines intertwine. Vaga 2 is the second variation in a series of performances that began with the show Vaga (2004). The device and objects in this performance come from that earlier work. The performance questions place (worldly and theatrical), while at the same time proposing new representations of the body.

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Concept and direction: Né Barros em colaboração com Flávio Rodrigues e Gabriela Vaz-Pinheiro
Performers: Andreia Soares, Anita Grosse, Catarina Barbosa, Francisca Marques, Francisca Pereira, Gonçalo Cardoso, Helena Magalhães, Miguel Leitão, Vitor Hugo Silva
Device and objets on set: Elastic Group of Artistic Research (Alessandro Ladaga e Silvia Manteiga)
Production: Tiago Oliveira
Production: Balleteatro
Approximate Duration: 1h