Vogue is one of the expressions within
the Ballroom, created by the black
and Latino LGBTQI+ community
from Harlem. From its beginnings until
now, it has maintained its fighting and
resistance values, and it has grown
all over the world through Houses,
Balls, Kikis, Gatherings and several
formations. This workshop will travel
throughout three times and styles: OLD
WAY, with Yanou Ninja; NEW WAY, with
Christopher Saint Laurent and VOGUE
FEM, with Vinii Revlon.
The fourth moment is very special one.
For the first time in Portugal, there will be
a commentating class, an essential part
of any Ball, with Typhoon Prodigy.
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Direção e texto
Paulo Mota
Dramaturgia e interpretação
André Pires e Paulo Mota
F. Ribeiro
André Pires
Desenho de luz
Cárin Geada
Figurinos e máscaras
Catarina Barros
Produção executiva
Bruno Moreira, Patrícia Gonçalves
Design gráfico
Paulo Mariz