Workshop: Piny

Workshop: Piny

Workshop: Piny

This workshop is based on the practices that were experienced during the creative process of the piece . G RITO. The proposal is to extend the process and live it intensely with the group. The truth in sharing is particularly reserved to reading the moment, the collective and the restrictions, but the basis of work is the body, time, ritual, circle, party, struggle, presence and transcendence. There are plenty of ways, looking for uniqueness in the difference of vocabularies and drawing shapes between different specific expressions that are found multiple times - because in the construction of the new there is always the memory of something that was before.

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Direção e texto

Paulo Mota

Dramaturgia e interpretação

André Pires e Paulo Mota


F. Ribeiro


André Pires

Desenho de luz

Cárin Geada

Figurinos e máscaras

Catarina Barros

Produção executiva

Bruno Moreira, Patrícia Gonçalves

Design gráfico

Paulo Mariz

