Beyond a physical exercise, Yoga is a
lifestyle that serves whoever wants to
recognize their own nature. Throughout
the week, the Yoga practice is
embraced as a basis for self-knowledge.
Through practice, the aim is to provide
tools to bring Yoga to daily life, where it is
most important. Life - with all its stimuli
and suggestions - demands a neverending fragmentation. So it is necessary
to include moments of integration able
to keep the connection with what is
fundamental. The Yoga mat is the stage
for this work of self-reflection. The
workshops’ pace and intensity vary and
will always be adapt to each participant’s
age and physical condition.
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Direção e texto
Paulo Mota
Dramaturgia e interpretação
André Pires e Paulo Mota
F. Ribeiro
André Pires
Desenho de luz
Cárin Geada
Figurinos e máscaras
Catarina Barros
Produção executiva
Bruno Moreira, Patrícia Gonçalves
Design gráfico
Paulo Mariz