Ídio Chichava / Converge+

Ídio Chichava / Converge+
© DR

Ídio Chichava is a Mozambican choreographer and artistic director. He began dancing in 2000 in a traditional Mozambican dance group, and later devoted himself to contemporary dance through Culturarte and Danças na Cidade. He took part in a series of workshops with choreographer Lia Rodrigues. As of 2002, he expanded his work with a variety of African and European choreographers. In 2005, he moved to France to join the Kubilan Khan company. Back in Mozambique, in 2012, he founded the Converge+ company. In 2024, he was one of the winners of the first edition of the Salavisa European Dance Award (SEDA) granted by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. 

Ídio Chichava / Converge+
Ídio Chichava / Converge+
Ídio Chichava / Converge+
Ídio Chichava / Converge+