Inês Campos

Inês Campos
© João Hesselberg

Inês Campos, whose work involves choreography, film, music and visual arts, creates hybrid projects that explore the relation between the body and its symbolic place based on an imagery of pragmatic poetry that juxtaposes the real and the unreal. She created coexistimos, Artificĭu and Castōr e Pollūx with Teia Campos. She works/has worked with Tânia Carvalho, Flora Détraz, Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz, Kalle Nio, Catarina Vasconcelos and Cláudia Varejão. She composes, sings and is the graphic designer in the band Sopa de Pedra and Tigre

Inês Campos
Inês Campos
Inês Campos
Inês Campos